Simon Large wrote:
> Amir Kolsky wrote:
>>Festivities aside, what about my line numbers?
> Adding line numbers to TBlame sounds not too hard, but would take up yet
> more space in the info area. If we are going to do this I would suggest
> moving the date/time info into the log message hint box. There is also a
> potential confusion between line number and revision number, although it
> is fairly obvious when you look at several lines and see one number
> incrementing. (Adding headings is also non-trivial due to lack of MFC).
> What do others think about making this change?
I think it is reasonable to add line-numbers, and unnecessary to add
search functionality. Simon, I think your suggestion about moving the
date-time to the log message is very good. To avoid revision number vs.
line number confusion, why not keep the revision number on the left, but
put the line number after the username, right next to the actual lines?
In my work, at least, a typical "blame" operation goes like this:
1. I svn update and attempt to compile code
2. gcc Error: Line 327 of foo.c is completely borked.
3. I run blame, attempting to find out who borked line 327.
Thus in this use-case, searching is not an issue, easily finding the
line-number is. The other day I was trying to find line one-thousand
and somethingorother and ended up loading the file in vi, checking the
status line to see what % of the file that line was at, and going back
to the blame window and guesstimating on the scroll bar how far that %
was. (Why didn't I just open in a text editor? Because the pop-up log
info, and line highlighting is *very* useful; I found it easier to do
this awkward vi dance than mentally grouping same-revision-number lines
and doing however many "svn -log -rXXX" operations as necessary.)
All this IMHO.
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Received on Tue Nov 2 16:48:41 2004