Re: [TSVN] Excessive directory wandering - a more complete story
From: Will Dean <>
Date: 2004-10-28 15:37:15 CEST
A resend of a message I sent this morning, which seems to have gone missing...
I'm now playing with mods to TSVN, and I'm slightly confused about what I'm
So far, I haven't actually made any mods - I'm just tracing what gets
In my original test structure, I have a folder open in Sub1 and then I
I see SVNFolderStatus::BuildCache called twice:
once with /will/tsvntest/top/sub1 (the current one)
What happens on the first call, is that isFolder gets set true, so we go
test, which means that we don't do the 'return' at line 189.
This means that we fall out into the bit which is commented:
//it's a file, not a folder. So fill in the cache with
Clearly this is wrong - we *ARE* in a folder, not a file.
We then chop the 'sub1' off the end of the path, and do a get status on
I'm not entirely sure what's primarily wrong here, but I don't think this
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