Make a directory blahblah, then add, then commit
Delete the directory in the repo-browser
Place mouse on directory, select add: directory is not recognized as being
Fair enough, may be I have to update so .svn is updated (my guess)
I go to the parent directory and select update and get the error message:
"Working copy 'c:/project/trunk/blaablaa' not locked"
Revert does not work, I guess because I deleted using the repo-browser.
Can I get the directory back?
It is not a problem to get the contents back, it was an empty directory, I
just would like to be able to version control that directory with that name
(It is a temporary directory that needs to be created when a user exports,
check-outs in order to prevent compile errors)
PS Are there descriptions in a bug tracker how the File menu is messed up
and how the Tortoise menus sometimes disappear while leaving space for them
(only blanks in the menuitem and nothing happens if you select). Using
PPS Thanks for all the prompt replies, I am impressed
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Received on Thu Sep 30 14:20:03 2004