Mark Phippard wrote:
> 3) Single code base. Unfortunately, TSVN has to make some patches to
> Subversion for optimal Windows performance. It would be nice to have those
> in the CLI as well.
I haven't patched the subversion code base but apr-iconv and gettext.
- iconv is patched to _not_ use the APR_ICONV_PATH env variable which
lead to many, many problems due to incompatible c-runtime libs of VC6
and VS.NET
- gettext is patched to use the apr-iconv instead of its own iconv lib.
I don't like the idea of shipping two identical (in functions and
features) libraries.
> 4) If TSVN features like the local password encryption could work from the
> CLI because of this, that would be cool. Not sure if it would.
No. It wouldn't. For the CLI to use the encryption, I would have to
patch the CL client too.
> 5) I know Stefan has made some optimizations to APR Iconv. I have never
> quite understood what the ramifications of these are, but again perhaps
> would bring some benefits to the CLI.
the apr-iconv was patched to not use the APR_ICONV_PATH env variable.
Apr-iconv uses that to find out where the *.so files are located which
it loads and uses to convert between char encodings.
Now, my patch is to get rid of that env variable because it can only
point to _one_ location which means that all clients using this lib must
use the same *.so files. And since those *.so files are not really
compatible, depending on the compiler you used to build them, this lead
to many many problems and crash reports on the mailing list.
And the performance part: apr-iconv read the env variable _every_ time a
char conversion was requested. I now fetch the path to the *.so libs
only once and then keep that in memory, so no need to read the env
variable for every conversion (env variables are read through registry
calls, which are somewhat slow).
> Binaries are not an official deliverable of the Subversion product. They
> have been kind enough to produce and host them for us Windows users. I
> just think Stefan and Tortoise with their obvious knowledge of how to do
> Windows right could do this better and become the official Windows
> distribution.
Not a good idea. TSVN is not the official Subversion client. And I also
don't have a really big influence on the Subversion people. Or why do
you think I had to patch Subversion myself for the 1.0.x branch?
oo // \\ "De Chelonian Mobile"
(_,\/ \_/ \ TortoiseSVN
\ \_/_\_/> The coolest Interface to (Sub)Version Control
/_/ \_\
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Received on Sun Sep 26 12:40:44 2004