Simon Large wrote:
>"Dave Eccleston" wrote
>>I absolutely love the three-panel view for resolving conflicts in
>>TortoiseSVN. However, sometimes it is not appropriate to pick theirs or
>>yours, but you want a combination of both. It would be nice if
>>TortoiseMerge would allow a user to enter arbitrary text as the result
>>of conflict resolution.
>It would be nice, but I think asking TMerge to be an editor as well as a
>diff/merge tool is too much - editors are complex beasts. Also, keeping
>track of added and deleted lines in yours, theirs and merged when the user
>is making edits as well sounds like a nightmare to me.
I'm disappointed you feel that way. The need to edit conflicts comes up
about half the time, and in those cases I end up feeling that I have
wasted my time by even trying to use TortoiseMerge for this purpose. In
time, I will become irritated enough with this inadequacy to discontinue
use of the tool.
Your idea of enabling saves with conflicts only helps a little.
Received on Fri Sep 24 18:47:09 2004