"SteveKing" wrote:
> So you suggest to have _two_ edit boxes for entering the URL? That won't
> work! Simply because most projects just provide one URL to their
> repository for users to enter. And from a simple URL, no user can
> reliably tell which part is the "server" part and which is the "project"
> part - that depends on the Apache server setup.
That reminds me. In repo browser when you open the repository, the browser
shows the tree above the repository as well with + boxes. Of course if you
try to expand them you just get an error because it is not part of the
repository. Do these upper levels need to be included in the tree?
On the issue this thread is really about, I vote for leaving as it is too.
SubVersion != CVS, and I believe the SVN devs are working on a set of notes
to help CVS users migrate to SVN. Maybe we can include something like that
with TSVN after they publish theirs.
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Received on Sat Sep 11 20:13:33 2004