My team and I have been struggling with TortoiseSVN
ever since we switched from CVS, with problems that have
been widely reported here. To help diagnose this, I've
reproduced the problem state on a small sample project
and tarred up the entire WC to attach to this message.
Someone who understands SVN internals will hopefully be
able to figure out what's going on here.
I'm currently using TortoiseSVN 1.1.0RC on Windows XP against
a Linux server running a recent SVN server release.
I couldn't tell you the exact sequence of steps I followed
to create this, but the broken WC (.tgz archive attached)
is sitting on my disk right now; if anyone can suggest something
to try, I'm happy to do so. With this WC, all of the following
operations fail, even after a "cleanup" or restarting Explorer
or even a system reboot:
* Update fails with
"Can't copy '.../.svn/text-base/foofoo.txt.svn-base'
to '.../.svn/tmp/text-base/foofoo.txt.svn-base.tmp':
The system cannot find the file specified"
(the "foofoo.txt" file was deleted several revisions earlier, BTW)
* Commit fails with "Commit failed (details follow):
File '/svn/play/problem-test/foo.txt' already exists"
My current understanding of this problem:
* It's not a server problem. A clean checkout works just fine.
* Cleanup does not help, suggesting it's a problem with something
that cleanup does not currently attempt to fix.
* It may be related to file locking; one of the things I did in
creating this sample was to open a text file in Notepad and
try to commit while the file was open.
Along the way, I did see a few other odd situations:
* In one case, I was able to recover from a similar situation
by restarting Explorer, but I haven't reproduced this.
* I've seen one case where TortoiseSVN consistently
complained about the dir-props file was damaged. It appeared
that it had the wrong line-endings, but that could have been
caused by my experimenting with Cygwin command-line SVN client
(with DOS line endings). The client seems completely unable
to recover from a damaged dir-props file.
I hope this information helps to track down this highly
annoying problem.
Tim Kientzle
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- application/x-compressed attachment: prob2.tgz
Received on Thu Aug 26 23:52:26 2004