Michael H. Pryor wrote:
> Just speaking from experience with customers, a lot of people request the
> ability to enter multiple bugs on a checkin. Usually this is because as a
> dev, you sometimes fix multiple related (not duplicate) bugs with one
> checkin. I had to add this to all of our hooks for CVS,SVN,VSS,P4 and Vault
> integration. It's up to you in the end, but I would encourage a simple
> split on commas (and trim left and right)... Doesn't need to be any fancier
> than that. I've just heard this echo'ed time and again by users (and
> actually on Friday, I made a checkin myself where I used this capability).
> So "1,2,3" is the same as "1 , 2, 3" and even "abc 123, zyx 32" will come
> out right.
Ok. I updated the document accordingly. The implementation in
TortoiseSVn will follow soon...
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Received on Sat Aug 21 22:06:07 2004