Is it possible to add a dropdown list to the commit dialog which would allow
me to insert my own log template to the log edit area.
This requires:
1. The ability to define the templates -
as files
items within files (e.g., property or ini format)
strings entered through text entry field
2. The ability to associate names with the templates
3. The ability to edit / delete template
4. The ability to export / import the template file (within a project team,
for example).
5. The ability to select the apporpriate template at commit time.
A nice to have would be to associate some keywords with the tempates so that
I could define:
"[user] optimized using and did cosmetic work on [files]"
and have [user] and [files] exapnded to:
"{Fritz Feline}{ optimized using and did cosmetic work on {A.Foo, Z.AFoo and
Amir Kolsky
XP& Software
Received on Tue Aug 17 18:30:02 2004