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Re: [TSVN] Branching question

From: SteveKing <steveking_at_gmx.ch>
Date: 2004-08-17 18:01:22 CEST

Amir Kolsky wrote:

> Here is a branching question:
> Can I branch a single file?
> In our project we have a specific file with configuration info.
> When we develop we want the developers to work on the trunk - so changes
> will propagate quickly to everyone.
> However, that one file needs to be differenet for all. Is there a way to
> have a branch for the one file?

Yes. Create a file with the config info, rename it to e.g. config.tmpl.
Then put that under version control. Each users checks out a working
copy and gets that file. But since every dev has to make his/her own
modifications they now have to make a copy of that template file and
rename the copy to e.g. config. This config file is then actually used
and can be modified by each developer individually, without those
individual changes getting committed.

For an example, look at how TortoiseSVN handles the build script (see
TortoiseVars.tmpl file in trunk).


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Received on Tue Aug 17 19:09:50 2004

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