Incidentally, I don't mind putting the file in a directory of its own, if
that makes things easier. Thus, the working copy would point to the trunk
with a single directory within it pointing to a branch... Is that possible?
Amir Kolsky
XP& Software
]-----Original Message-----
]From: Amir Kolsky []
]Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2004 6:22 PM
]Subject: RE: [TSVN] Branching question
]That won't solve the problem as you still want the file in
]svn. Parts of it change and apply to all, parts are particular
]to the story the developer is working on.
] Amir Kolsky
]XP& Software
]]-----Original Message-----
]]From: []
]]Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2004 4:59 PM
]]Subject: Re: [TSVN] Branching question
]]On Tue, Aug 17, 2004 at 05:48:30PM +0200, Amir Kolsky wrote:
]]> In our project we have a specific file with configuration info.
]]> When we develop we want the developers to work on the trunk
]- so ]> changes will propagate quickly to everyone.
]]> However, that one file needs to be differenet for all. Is
]]there a way ]> to have a branch for the one file?
]]Isn't the answer to have that file not under version control?
]](delete &commit, then do a fresh checkout, then maybe also
]set ]that file's name as an "ignore" pattern to dicourage it
]from ]getting added
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Received on Tue Aug 17 18:20:07 2004