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[TSVN] Blame feature request

From: <Nick_Gianakas_at_sybari.com>
Date: 2004-08-16 20:59:42 CEST

Would it be difficult to group changes in Blame and color code them?


Currently Blame looks something like this:

2 | John Smith | int main()
2 | John Smith | {
2 | John Smith | int a, b;
2 | John Smith | }
2 | John Smith |
4 | Jane Doe | int foo(int y)
4 | Jane Doe | {
4 | Jane Doe | int x;
5 | John Smith | x=y*10;
4 | Jane Doe | }

Grouped results would look like this:
\ | \\\\\\\\\\ | int main()
\ | \\\\\\\\\\ | {
2 | John Smith | int a, b;
\ | \\\\\\\\\\ | }
\ | \\\\\\\\\\ |
/ | ////////// | int foo(int y)
4 | Jane Doe | {
/ | ////////// | int x;
5 | John Smith | x=y*10;
4 | Jane Doe | }

And each "group" block would be colored for easy navigation (please excuse
my ASCII art). Right now it's not easy to quickly pick out the changes
(have to manually scan each line for the revision range).
The color can alternate for each group or even better--user-selectable by
revision or developer.

Nick G.

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Received on Mon Aug 16 21:54:55 2004

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