Ooops! Just ignore my previous post. I've received your full answer only
after posting :).
- Boris
> > >>From: SteveKing
> > >>The problem you're seeing here is that TSVN has no way to check if an
> > >>URL points to a file or a folder.
> > >
> > >
> > > Hmm, I thought TSVN might already have that information because it
> > already
> > > displayed folders with a folder icon and files with a file icon.
> > However, I
> > > have no problems with this, I just thought I might report that as a
> bug.
> > > Just wanted to be helpful ...
> >
> > That's what confuses people a lot ;)
> > See, the folder and file icons work if you do an 'svn ls' on a folder.
> > Because then we get all the information about the contents of that
> > folder we need. But as long as no 'svn ls' is done yet, we don't have
> > that information yet. And when the repobrowser is started, the 'svn ls'
> > isn't done until the user expands the treeview. The same happens if you
> > enter an URL manually - TSVN then just assumes that you entered an URL
> > to a folder.
> You can always make another trip to the svn repository (at least that's
> what
> I'm doing), and let svn decide if the url is svn_node_dir or
> svn_node_file.
> I use something like this:
> <code>
> svn_ra_plugin_t *ra_lib;
> . . .
> /* Decide if the URL is a file or directory. */
> error = ra_lib->check_path (session, "", rev, &url_kind, pool);
> </code>
> I borrowed this code from the svn_client_ls function (ls.c file).
> - Boris
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Received on Wed Jul 28 08:09:32 2004