Girouard, Audrey wrote:
>I want to control the access to my repository. In my httpd.conf, I have put
>AuthzSVNAccessFile svnaccessfile
>Require valid-user
>In my svnaccessfile, I have for example:
>developers = agirouard
>docs = mbouchard
>#to allow everyone read access
>* = r
>#allow all developers complete access
>@developers = rw
>Now, when I try to look at my files through IE, I don't need an
Since you used "LimitExcept" in httpd.conf, it is not placing any limits
on the methods you listed (GET PROPFIND OPTIONS REPORT). Since read
access requires only these methods, "Requre valid-user" is not taking
affect for read access. If this is not what you want, remove the
"LimitExcept" tags and just use "Require valid-user" by itself.
SVN will try to use anonymous access if it can, then ask for
authorization info otherwise. Since you aren't requiring read operations
to be a valid-user, you are never being prompted for that info.
>If I put * = w (for test purposes), I can't look at my files (still no
That's because you aren't giving any configuration for global read
access. Maybe you wanted to say "* = rw" instead?
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Received on Tue Jul 13 08:34:11 2004