illiminable wrote:
>>- this memory leak only happens when you commit to a http server? It
>>didn't happen with svn+ssh://? If that's the case, then it is not TSVN
> Yep... that's right.
> It grows after the dialog comes up, but before the file list is put into the
> list box, and before it conencts to the server. It grows really fast and
> seems to consistently peak at around 800 mb of physical ram usage.
> After clicking ok and going to the actual sending files stage, it declines
> rapidly, and proceeds relatively normally... maybe slightly slower. The
> process with the excess memory use is tortoiseproc.
Now those two exclude each other. You tell that when committing to
svn+ssh there's no memory lead, but when committing to http. But you
also tell that the memory leak occurs _before_ any connection to the server.
But I think I've got enough information now to corner the memory leak
and hopefully fix it. I've planned to rewrite the commit dialog for some
time now, I guess it's finally time to do it and not push it any further
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Received on Sat Jun 26 17:15:16 2004