[Subclipse-users] Getting a ISVNClientAdapter in an Eclipse plugin test
From: Robert Munteanu <robert.munteanu_at_gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 14:34:32 -0700 (PDT)
The Eclipse plugin I'm developing - ereviewboard - depends on Subclipse for certain features. I need to narrow down some bugs so I'm trying to write Eclipse plug-in tests for that.
What I want to achieve is get a ISVNClientAdapter, so I tried the following:
1. created an Eclipse test plugin, with the requirements
Require-Bundle: org.junit,
2. Created a basic JUnit test
ISVNClientAdapter svnClient = SVNClientAdapterFactory.createSVNClient("svnkit");
assertThat("svnClient is null", svnClient, notNullValue());
3. Tried to execute the test, both as JUnit Plug-in test in Eclipse and using Tycho.
Both tests fail, with the svnClient instance being null. I think that all that is needed is for the org.tigris.subversion.clientadapter.svnkit bundle to be present in the Eclipse environment, but I might be wrong.
That being said, any idea on how to solve/debug this problem is welcome.
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