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Re: [Subclipse-users] Could SVNKit be the default SVN implementation instead of JavaHL?

From: Mark Phippard <markphip_at_gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 10:24:43 -0400

On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 3:18 PM, Nick Boldt <nboldt_at_redhat.com> wrote:
> JBoss Tools and JBoss Developer Studio provide an Eclipse
> Marketplace-like way of installing Subclipse and SVNKit via a single
> step into an existing Eclipse install.
> However, the out-of-box experience that follows installation involves an
> error message telling them how to get JavaHL which fails to mention that
> they could simply use SVNKit.

It appears that tigris email delivery may be sluggish, so perhaps you
did not see reply to similar question you asked yesterday. Adding you
to the to: this time.

> So I have two suggestions which could improve the user experience:
> a) default to SVNKit when JavaHL is unavailable, or

We already do this. However, if JavaHL is the chosen default we do
not so it silently. We will first give you notification that the
library is not available. This is intentional. We want you to use
JavaHL and if it is installed and the chosen default, then we are
going to notify you that it is not setup.

> b) at least tell users about Help > Preferences > Team > SVN > SVN
> Interface so they know how to select an alternative SVN interface to
> JavaHL, should they want a platform-agnostic implementation.

The dialog is specifically about the JavaHL library. If the user
installed JavaHL and it is their default in the preferences, why
shouldn't we notify you that it is not going to work? If we just
swallow the error and use SVNKit then how you are going to know?
JavaHL is Subversion. SVNKit is a reverse-engineered private
implementation. It is is great that it exists as an option to use,
but JavaHL is what we write to and support.

> Ref: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-14795

Two comments:

1) If you do not want to support JavaHL by providing the libraries it
requires, then why do you provide the plugin? You could just provide
the SVNKit adapter and library and users will never see this message.
If only SVNKit adapter is installed, it will be the default.

2) The change you made to set the preference ought to work, however,
you should remove that preference you set about the JavaHL commit
hack. It will no impact on this and it is just turning off a feature
that almost all users would want.

Mark Phippard
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Received on 2013-06-11 16:25:07 CEST

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