[Subclipse-users] Merge comparison doesn't indicate incoming changes when there's a conflict
From: Jacob Weber <jacob_at_jacobweber.com>
Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2013 09:12:06 -0800 (PST)
I just did a merge, and resolved a tree conflict. This resulted in a file conflict. On the filesystem, I have these files:
When I do Team > Edit conflicts on the file, I get the three-way compare editor. On the right, it marks the conflict areas in red, and the areas where my working copy changed in black.
So far so good.
But there are also areas where the incoming file changed, which need to be merged into my working copy. I would expect these to be marked in blue -- that's what happens in CVS merges. Instead, they're also black.
As a result, I assume that I don't need to do anything with them, when in fact I need to merge them into my working copy. This is causing me to merge incorrectly.
For example, there was some text that got deleted in the incoming file. When I click Show Ancestor Pane, I can see that the ancestor has the text, and so does the "working" file. The incoming "right" file doesn't have it, and the original "left" file does. There are no conflicts near this section of the file. But this change appears in black, not blue.
Is this something that's under Subclipse's control?
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