[Subclipse-users] subclipse and RAD
From: Mark R <msr_at_trifecta.com>
Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2012 10:24:58 -0700 (PDT)
We're rather new to subclipse, and have been having a number of issues when trying to run the latest version in RAD v7.5.5.5. We've had significant hang-time when trying to synchronize, to the point where occasionally we have to stop our environment to correct matters. In addition, we've had a few comparison issues, where it did not inform us of a conflict between the repository version and the workspace version - often it will either ignore the incoming or outgoing changes, causing code from one environment to get overwritten. Is this a common problem, or are we using an incorrect version? Perhaps there's a configuration issue I could look at to resolve these? Any thoughts would be appreciated.
We are running RAD on Windows 7, 32 bit. We are trying to use the subclipse 1.8 plugin.
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