[Subclipse-users] svnant 1.3.1: no console output
From: Justin Georgeson <JGeorgeson_at_lgc.com>
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2011 13:35:35 -0600
I'm updating my Ant script to use svnant tasks instead of using an exec to java -jar jsvn.jar. I renamed the svnantlib.xml file as just antlib.xml so I can declare an xmlns:svn rather than using the taskdef. The current target I'm working on is for updating your sandboxes. I don't see a way to display the update output at the console, only to a log file. With no logfile in my task
<target name="svn.update" depends="init.var" description="Update the current sandbox from Subversion">
I don't see any output from the update.
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If I set a logFile property, then it either has a generic # of files updated/added/deleted summary for svnkit, or the more familiar command-line output (if javahl and svnkit are false). I would think that without a logfile property it would print that info to the console but I don't get anything. Is this intentional or is there something I've messed up somewhere else in my build.xml causing this?
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