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[Subclipse-users] Importing with Subclipse

From: Rhino <rhino1_at_sympatico.ca>
Date: Wed, 7 Dec 2011 14:38:10 -0500

I'm working my way through the Subversion manual
(http://http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.7/), as suggested by Mark
Phippard, but I'm having some problems. The trouble comes in when I try
to import my first project to my repository.

A bit of background to explain where I am, then I'll explain my problem.
I've read Chapter 1 and it seems clear enough so I'm starting on Chapter
2. I learn best with lots of hands-on experimentation so I want to try
things as I learn about them just to make sure I understand them. I'm in
the early part of Chapter 2 and am trying to import a project to my

Since I use Eclipse for all my Java coding, I'm using Subclipse in
Eclipse 3.7 rather than one of the other Windows clients like
TortoiseSVN. [I'm not entirely sure which version of Subclipse I'm
using; the download grabbed five pieces, all of which are at a different
level: Subclipse Integration fof Mylyn 3.x (Version 3.0.0); Subversion
Client Adapter (Version 1.8.0); Subversion JavaHL (Version 1.7.2);
Subversion Revision Graph (Version 1.1.1); and SVN Team Provider Core
(Version 1.8.4). ] I've obtained a free account at Codesion and created
my single project, Hangman, in it. The URL is (slightly obfuscated for
my privacy/security) is https://foo.svn.cvsdude.com/hangman. I've added
that repository to Eclipse without any difficulty.

I wanted to import a project called Hangman from Eclipse to my Codesion
repository. When I right-clicked on the repository in the SVN
Repositories view, I didn't see an "Import" option. I However, when
expanded the repository and right-clicked on branches, tags, and trunk,
I got an "Import" option for each of them. That seemed reasonable so I
right-clicked on trunk, and imported my Eclipse project, named Hangman,
to my SVN repository at Codesion. At the Codesion website, I can see the
Hangman project and the various files that I imported, all sitting in a
folder called "hang" under the trunk. "hang" is the name of the Java
package containing the code. Strangely enough, the src folder is empty.
In my Eclipse project, "hang" is BELOW "src", not parallel to it. I
think this is where my trouble began.

I wanted to checkout my project from the repository but I was worried
that I might clobber my existing project and lose all the code so I made
sure to checkout into a new project called Hangman2. That resulted in a
project labelled "Hangman2 [trunk]" and it is laid out the same as the
repository with my code in folder "hang" and the "src" folder empty. I
can edit the source code easily enough but it obviously isn't visible to
the compiler any more because the changes, which should cause errors in
the rest of the file, don't cause any errors at all. The source file is
clearly being treated as a standard text file, not a compilable Java
source file. That is presumably because Eclipse needs the code to be
under the "src" directory for it to be treated as source code.

I'm guessing that I messed up the import and failed to set up the panel

How do I fix this? I'm quite prepared to start again so I'm inclined to
just delete all the files on the repository and start over with an empty
Hangman project on Codesion, then try the import again with the
intention of getting the "hang" folder UNDER the "src" folder, not
parallel to it. However, it seems likely there is a better way to do
this. I want to be very sure that I don't delete the original Hangman
project in Eclipse no matter what approach I take!

Can someone tell me if it is possible to get back to the state I was in
just after I installed Subclipse and added the repository location to
Eclipse but before I first tried to import to an empty Codesion project?
Again, it is absolutely vital that no action that I take messes with the
Hangman project in Eclipse.

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Received on 2011-12-07 20:38:14 CET

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