Subversion 1.7 is getting closer to its GA release. When SVN 1.7 is
released this fall we will be releasing Subclipse 1.8 at the same time and
it will include/require SVN 1.7 support.
We are now posting dev builds of Subclipse in lead up this release. The
current dev build is 1.7.2 and the update site for these builds is here:
The changelog for these builds is here:
The update site includes SVN 1.7 binaries for Win32 AND Win64. So if you
are running Eclipse on Windows, you can simply install this build and start
using SVN 1.7. If you are on Linux or OSX you would need to be able to
build SVN 1.7 from source in order to use these builds. NOTE: There is no
support for SVNKit yet and you will not find it on the update site. You
MUST use JavaHL.
We are using these releases exclusively for our own development and I
believe they are stable enough to use. There are a few obscure bugs that
have been fixed since the most recent SVN 1.7-beta3 release but they should
be moving to rc1 very soon. Subclipse itself is stable.
I encourage those of you on Windows to try out these dev builds. Subversion
1.7 is significantly faster than previous releases, especially on Windows.
It includes a new format for the working copy where all of the .svn folders
are now removed and instead there is a single .svn folder in the root of
your working copy. If you checkout a common parent folder outside of
Eclipse and then import your projects into your Eclipse workspace then you
have absolutely no .svn folders in Eclipse. While I have not measured it
scientifically, this seems to greatly speed up Eclipse as the changes that
SVN makes inside the .svn area are now invisible to Eclipse and do not
trigger any processing to ignore those changes.
A number of old bugs were fixed automatically by the move to SVN 1.7. Since
there are no longer any .svn folders in your working copy it is not a
problem if you copy and paste folders within Eclipse, as there is no .svn
folder to copy with the folder. In addition, refactoring works smoother,
because when a directory is deleted/renamed, it no longer has to remain in
your working copy until you commit.
Mark Phippard
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Received on 2011-08-12 16:40:46 CEST