In the preferences under Team > SVN you can change the Configuration
Directory from "Default" to a Subclipse-specific location. Then it
will not interfere with your build scripts.
I would recommend you create this location by copying the current
configuration folder from %APPDATA%\Subversion and then delete the
"auth" folder to clear the cache.
On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 11:28 AM, Peter Walter
<> wrote:
> Hello there,
> I have a weird problem when using Subclipse.
> When first switching from Subversive to Subclipse (because of the neat
> merge view) I was prompted for my user and password. I set that and at
> first all went fine.
> But after running our automated build ant script on my PC I ran into
> problems.
> The build script uses SVN to export the repository with a generic user
> ID (it talks to SVN vie JavaHL).
> After running the ant script all my following SVN commits were done with
> the generic user ID :(
> To set Subclipse back to my specific ID I had to clear the subversion
> credentials cache...
> Is there a way to tell Subclipse which user it should use when talking
> to the repository?
> (Im perfectly fine with putting the password in some kind of common storage)
> If not, is there a way to set up JavaHL to use two different stores for
> Eclipse / ant?
> If this doesn't work either, is there a way to use Subversive and
> Subclipse next to each other (Subclipse to Merge, Subversive to commit
> the changes of the merge) - all of this without using different eclipse
> installations / workspaces / projects / turning on/off of plugins (I
> could cope with two separate context menus to select - anything more
> complicated is not useful)?
> If none of the above works, I sadly will have to switch back to
> subversive...
> Greetings,
> Peter
> ******************************************************************************
> Dipl. Inf. (FH) Peter Walter
> Senior Softwareentwickler
> e.stradis GmbH
> Alter Postweg 101
> 86159 Augsburg
> Tel: 0821 259291-191
> Fax: 0821 259291-110
> Mail:
> Web:
> Rechtsform: GmbH, Sitz Augsburg
> Handelsregister: Augsburg HRB 15752
> Geschaeftsfuehrer: Dr. Jochen Schneider, Dr. Stefan Klein, Karen Schneider
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