i have tested it now for a few days,
and it does seem faster, also for example merging with the mergclient.
It could be my imagination but it is quicker with the merge done
results dialog.
I didnt notice any thing strange that didnt work.
On Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 23:11, Mark Phippard <markphip_at_gmail.com> wrote:
> We have been doing some overhaul on some of the internals of
> Subclipse, particularly in the area of our resource change listeners.
> These are what get called by Eclipse whenever something is modified.
> We use them for a lot of purposes and the performance of this code is
> critical to overall Eclipse performance as they can cause other
> Eclipse code to be stuck waiting for them to finish.
> I would like to get more people trying the code before we put out an
> official new release. The changes seem to make Eclipse much faster
> and we have not observed any regressions caused by the change. I have
> posted dev builds to our CollabNet Desktop update site. The current
> version is You can get the URL's for the update sites here:
> http://desktop-eclipse.open.collab.net/servlets/ProjectProcess?pageID=3794
> If you are only installing Subclipse, it does not matter which site
> you use. There are only multiple sites, because we host the Mylyn
> downloads on these sites, and they have different code for different
> Eclipse versions.
> Once we get some feedback that there are no new problems (and ideally
> hear confirmation that Eclipse feels faster) we can do a Subclipse
> 1.6.13 release and post it to the normal update site.
> Please try this release and provide feedback.
> --
> Thanks
> Mark Phippard
> http://markphip.blogspot.com/
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Received on 2010-07-27 10:52:07 CEST