if you commit the merge, why would others then also have to do that merge?
Can't they just update? And get in your changes?
On Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 08:05, Andreas Haferburg
<haferbur_at_inf.fu-berlin.de> wrote:
> Thanks Mark, I think I understand what happens, but I don't see why
> copied files would be ignored by svn diff. I thought the diff from A to
> B was supposed to be used to change A into B, which doesn't work if
> copies are ignored. The way I see it, either svn diff is inadequate or
> using svn diff to create a patch is. (I'm probably wrong, but I don't
> know why. ^_^)
> And I still don't know what I'm supposed to do. I found
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1835405/can-one-force-svn-diff-to-show-svn-cpd-files
> and they said it's not possible to get copied files to show up in a diff.
> So. I merged a branch back into trunk, the merge added(copied) some
> files, and now I want to create a patch before committing, so other
> people don't have to do a merge. That should be a standard use case,
> right? I may have misunderstood something about how to use SVN, but how
> do other people handle this?
> Thanks
> Andreas
> P.S. Reply-all would be nice, as I'm not on the mailing list. Thanks. ^_^
> On 7/22/2010 10:21 PM, Andreas Haferburg wrote:
>> Hello Subclipse,
>> I use Subclipse 1.6.12 and Eclipse 3.5.2. I just merged a branch back
>> into the trunk, and there were a couple of files added by the merge
>> operation. The merging went fine, no complaints there.
>> For the merge I used the following command (via "Merge two different
>> trees"), if that's somehow important.
>> merge --ignore-ancestry trunkURL_at_HEAD branchURL_at_HEAD localPath
>> But when I use Team->Create Patch, none of the added files make it
>> into the patch. The files are added to version control (it's grayed
>> out in the Team menu). When I look at the SVN tab in their Properties,
>> under Status it says "added, copied", and under Properties Status it
>> says "non-svn". The correct source URL from the branch is listed under
>> "Copied from URL".
>> So, how do I get these files into a patch? Is that a bug? Did I do
>> something wrong?
>> One possible workaround is to copy the file, delete the original,
>> rename the copy back to the original name, then Team->add to version
>> control. If the Status says "added", creating a patch seems to work.
>> Thanks,
>> Andreas
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