Sure. Just install the 64-bit RPMs that CollabNet provides instead of
the 32-bit RPM
On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 1:30 PM, Phil Adams <> wrote:
> I'm using eclipse 3.5.1 on a 64-bit Linux (Fedora) system. I start up eclipse using a 64-bit JVM (for some reason, it won't work with a 32-bit JVM).
> I've tried installing the latest version of subclipse (1.6.11) and I've worked through the issues with the JavaHL libraries (i.e. java.library.path needs to include the directory where the JavaHL shared objects reside, etc.). But when I start up eclipse, I still get a subversion-related error window with the following message:
> Failed to load JavaHL Library.
> These are the errors that were encountered:
> libsvnjavahl-1 (Not found in java.library.path)
> svnjavahl-1 (/opt/CollabNet_Subversion/lib/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32)
> svnjavahl (Not found in java.library.path)
> java.library.path = /opt/CollabNet_Subversion/lib
> So, it looks like it found the library, but it's a 32-bit object and it's expecting it
> to be a 64-bit object.
> Is there a 64-bit version of the JavaHL shared libs available anywhere? Or, alternatively, is the source available so that I can build it myself?
> Thanks,
> Phil
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Mark Phippard
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Received on 2010-06-10 06:14:52 CEST