- I had the same problem with the Import, which as you say is the easier
method to do what I describe.
- The real problem, though, as I suspected, was a version problem. I
rechecked the update site being used: it was
instead of . Fixing that resolved my
- Note though that using File->New->Java Project: "Create project from
existing source" does indeed work. It creates the project and attaches
it to SVN properly (perhaps it overwrites project information). Using
the File->Import is more convenient since it retains the name of the
project and allows to import multiple projects at once.
- So my only puzzle is how I got the wrong update site - could have been
a typo or perhaps an obsolete web site. If it is no longer current, you
might consider disabling it as an update site.
Sorry for the wild goose chase.
Mark Phippard wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 5, 2009 at 8:05 AM, David Cok<> wrote:
>> Mark,
>> If I import a project set, such that the new projects are created in the workspace folder, the SVN connection is created without trouble.
>> If I cerate the SVN working copy outside of Eclipse (which works fine), and then create a Java project from the existing code, the project is
>> created, but is not connected to SVN and produces the error dialog I described.
> Based on this description, it shouldn't work. When the code lives
> outside the workspace, the only way to bring it into Eclipse such that
> it can be an SVN project is to do File > Import > Existing Projects
> into Workspace.
> When you say you created a Java project it does not sound like the
> import scenario is what you mean, but perhaps it is. If you are using
> the Eclipse linked folders feature, that is not supported. Subclipse
> requires your entire project to be a single valid SVN working copy.
> Of course none of this means we should crash Eclipse or throw NPE's.
> So more details so we can recreate and fix would still be appreciated.
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Received on 2009-09-10 01:53:16 CEST