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Re: [Subclipse-users] Subclipse and PDEBuild

From: Levi Purvis <tigris_at_purvis.ws>
Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2009 15:57:48 -0500

We are successfully using ant4eclipse with an Ant build to "mimic" the
Eclipse build using the Eclipse project metadata (.classpath,
.project, etc). Our primary development environment is Windows, but
the Ant build still works great on a unix server under Hudson. It's
not exactly what you want, but might be a decent fit.


If you're going with Ant, have a look at Ivy, too. :-)


On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 2:56 PM, Steve Cohen wrote:
> I'm looking at trying to generate an automated build for a system I'm
> resposible for whose "build system" is based on Eclipse Export.  This
> system has always used Subclipse as its tool for accessing the
> Subversion repository and I've had little reason to complain, although
> the build is not fully automated.
> I first started investigating Maven, but I'm quite leery of it because
> Maven seems to be much easier to use with projects that were Mavenized
> from the start than it does with "converts".  I've gotten quite negative
> feedback from the Maven mailing list on the idea of conversion - their
> recommendation is that you learn Maven fully before attempting
> conversions.  I don't have that kind of time.  Also keeping the nice
> "developer sandbox" of Eclipse is a requirement, and the m2eclipse
> plugin seems to portend all sorts of other issues.  I'm very leery of
> stepping onto this ground.
> Someone else pointed me toward Eclipse's PDEBuild.
> (http://wiki.eclipse.org/index.php/PDEBuild) With PDEBuild, one can set
> up "headless builds", i.e., automated builds that supposedly do exactly
> what Eclipse export does - it's the same engine - but use pristine
> sources from Version Control, that is, not use the UI for these kinds of
> builds, but have a high degree of confidence that what the automated
> build does will track exactly to what the UI build does with the same
> sources.  I have used a similar setup previously with IBM RAD (which is
> based on Eclipse) and a CVS repository and this experience was a
> success, so I am predisposed toward this approach, much moreso than I am
> to Maven.
> However, I've learned from the above site
> http://wiki.eclipse.org/index.php/PDEBuild#Building_from_a_subversion_repository
> that PDEBuild's fetch task does not support SVN.  But that there are two
> plugins to handle that.  The first is a SourceForge project
> (http://sourceforge.net/projects/svn-pde-build/) which does not appear
> to be very active.  The second is from Subversive, which I had not heard
> of before now, and there I learned for the first time of the competition
> between Subclipse and Subversive.  I also read of many problems with
> Subversive (but there are a few who prefer it).  I would rather not give
> up Subclipse since it seems to be the more stable product at this point.
> Has anyone got any experience using a system that uses Subclipse and
> PDE-Build?  Might I possibly be able to install both Subclipse and
> Subversive using the latter only for the automated builds?  Or might
> Maven be the best choice after all?


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Received on 2009-02-26 19:24:22 CET

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