Mark Phippard wrote:
>> That is how I would do it and it is sounds strange that Synchronize
>> view don't show these module folders. m2eclipse can mark these module
>> folders as derived (to avoid some duplication in the Eclipse UI), but as
>> far as I know that should not affect the synchronize view. Maybe you had
>> to refresh your projects or try to commit project directly using "Team /
>> Commit..." action, skipping the Synchronize view.
> Derived folders and files are automatically ignored and do not display
> in the Synch view. That is the expected behavior, I'd be surprised if
> CVS plugin does not behave the same.
Right, that makes sense. Though in our case it is a bit more
complicated. To give a little bit of background, these resources are
present in Eclipse workspace multiple times. Once under parent project
and then again in the module project. For example, if we have project
structure like this:
+ foo-module/
When this code tree is imported into the workspace, an Eclipse project
iscreated for each module, so we'll have foo-parent project and
foo-module project. In this case the file would
appear two times, first as foo-parent/foo-module/
and second as foo-module/
The first appearance is an unfortunate noise and users asked to filter
out these resources from both the "Open Resource" dialog and the
Synchronize view when committing changes. Hence it does make sense to
mark foo-parent/foo-module folder in workspace as derived, because it
would appear under foo-module project. Perhaps it is somewhat confusing,
but I don't see any other way to hide these duplicated resources coming
from the parent project.
Anyways, the above also mean that when project is being shared,
Subclipse need to look if some subfolders of that project are also
projects in Eclipse workspace and it should offer to link these projects
with svn. Does it make sense?
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Received on 2009-02-21 21:19:27 CET