Mark Phippard wrote:
> Subclipse 1.4 only works with SVN 1.5, so that is not the issue. If
> you check your preferences are you using JavaHL or SVNKit?
> Technically, neither should be capable of having a problem as both are
> either 1.5 compatible or will not load by Subclipse. I have an FAQ
> for understanding and getting JavaHL working:
> If your preferences show JavaHL is not available, then take a look at
> those docs so that you can use JavaHL.
I was using SVNKit; switching to JavaHL threw an error about it not
being available/installed (even though it is -- see below).
> I can only think of two ways you could run into this problem:
> 1) You have built a copy of Subversion's trunk code (1.6) and touched
> your working copy with it.
> "svn status". If your working copy is not a valid 1.5 format the command
> line will give the same error.
No errors when I do that.
> 2) You are using SVNKit and either your install is broken or they have
> some kind of bug. I've not seen or heard of any problems like this
> with SVNKit.
Maybe it's the Mylyn integration that's causing the problem?
Anyway, for now I've gone over to Subversive, until that client annoys
me enough to try Subclipse again with the required hack for
java.library.path (I'm on Fedora 10, where the subversion-javahl RPM
contains these files... but Eclipse (or Sun 6.0) can't find them
Thanks for the help,
Nick Boldt ::
Release Engineer :: Eclipse Modeling & Dash CBI
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Received on 2008-11-28 20:54:28 CET