On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 5:28 PM, Adam Carbone
<acarbone_at_industrialdefender.com> wrote:
> Is there any plans to support merging in subclipse? I understand that
> the collabnet desktop has a merge client that they offer in there open
> source desktop. But the problem with this is that it lags the subclipse
> stuff it uses it's own version numbering which masks what version of
> subclipse it is using and makes it difficult to find out what issues are
> fixed and solved. I have been using subclipse for quite some time... but if
> the merge features are continued to be separate from the svn client then I
> might have to revisit subversive for ease of use... I don't want to have to
> install alot of extra stuff that I don't need. And have it mask errors that
> happen. This is what started all my frustration, I got this on the commit
> dialog when ever I try to choose a previous comment. and it crashes eclipse.
> Please develop a merge client that is part of the Subclipse client, I don't
> want to go to subversive.... but if it is easier that is the way the company
> will go.
Subclipse is open source and I cannot think of any examples where we
have refused contributions. There are no plans for those of us that
are employed by CollabNet to enhance the merge option in Subclipse,
but we'd work with and help anyone else that wanted to do so.
The CollabNet Desktop includes Subclipse so if you want to just
install from one place, an option is to just install the CollabNet
Desktop. We use the Eclipse versioning features to require the right
version so you can use older or newer versions of Subclipse safely.
The error you posted looks like it would have happened during a merge
and it would be great if you could report it along with some details.
Whether the merge client comes from CollabNet or Subclipse bugs are
always going to be possible. I can say that bugs in the merge client
like this are not being caused because of the Subclipse version you
are using.
As for tracking the Subclipse version they are generally in synch.
The CollabNet Desktop provides a "dev-builds" site which is a lot like
Subclipse, in that they are releases that are generally thought to be
good. This site is generally updated with Subclipse releases when
they are available. It also has a "production" site which only
contains releases that have been qualified by QA. CollabNet provides
commercial support for the CollabNet Desktop and Subclipse and
releases on the production site have been qualified by the QA team.
Users are free to install either version based on their needs.
All of the bugs reported and fixed are in the issue tracker and easily
accessible right on the site. We could link to the Subclipse
changelog if you are saying that is something you want to see. That
said, the changelog is also provided with the Subclipse plugin and can
be viewed from within Eclipse as well.
Mark Phippard
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Received on 2008-11-25 17:31:18 CET