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[Subclipse-users] Switching multiple projects is slow - please multi-thread it

From: Stephen Kurlow <Stephen.Kurlow_at_aas.com.au>
Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2008 09:06:11 +1100


We have a large development team of around 40 Java developers and we have
multiple projects in SVN. When switching multiple projects at the same time
it seems only one CPU core can be utilised ~100% but we have 2 core and
some 4 core dev boxes so there is capacity in our PCs to be able to switch
multiple projects concurrently. To do this I presume the subclipse plugin
needs to be enhanced to allow a thread to be spawned per project being
switched so that each project can be switched concurrently. Of course if
too many projects are spawned concurrently other issues like disk i/o or
CPU contention might have a detriment to improving overall switching
performance. So possibly only spawn one thread per core or make it
configurable if some developers have powerful enough processors that can
handle 2 projects or more per core.

With regards,

Stephen Kurlow
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Received on 2008-11-16 23:47:53 CET

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