Emmanuel Cervetti schrieb:
>>> Everything works fine if I ignore a /data/* or a /tmp/* file , but
>>> can't manage to ignore a inner folder like /data/tmp
>>> Is there a way to do that ?
>> Choose "Set property ..." from the team menue for the _parent_ folder
>> ("/data") and add the "svn:ignore" property. Its value is the list of
>> ignored items ("tmp") in this folder.
> I've tried to do that, but subclipse ignores it... it still sync the tmp
> file ...
> In your project, it works ?
is the "tmp"-folder already in the repository? If so, adding it to
svn:ignore is not going to help you. svn:ignore just prevents the client
from adding something to the repository.
In that case, you'd have to remove the folder from the repository first;
after that, it won't get re-added.
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Received on 2008-10-31 13:54:35 CET