You need two SVNKit plugins installed to have that adapter.
1) You need our SVNKit client adapter. This is the layer Subclipse talks to.
2) You need SVNKit itself. The adapter talks to this.
It looks like you have 1 but not 2.
They are both on our 1.4.x update site.
On Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 5:41 PM, Jason McCulty <> wrote:
> I have been using Eclipse 3.3 with Subclipse 1.2.4 without any major
> issues. I've recently upgrade to Eclipse 3.4 still using Subclipse 1.2.4
> without much trouble. However, I then decided to upgrade to Subclipse 1.4
> and that's when I started having trouble. I am not longer able to use my
> svn+ssh repositories. I've tried creating a new workspace thinking that the
> old settings were somehow conflicting with the version. This is what I get
> when I try to create a new repository with an svn+ssh connection:
> Error validating location: "org.tigris.subversion.javahl.ClientException:
> The system cannot find the file specified.
> svn: Can't Create tunnel: The system cannot find the file specified.
> "
> Keep the location anyway?
> The error message indicates that JavaHL is being used, but I have SVNKit
> selected (it's always been much simpler to use svn+ssh connections with
> SVNKit than JavaHL in the past). The SVNKit entry in the dropdown menu in
> the options is listed as "SVNKit (Pure Java) Not Available". Is this plugin
> not available for some reason (which would beg the question why it was even
> listed) or is it simply the version information for this plugin that can't
> be looked up?
> So maybe the SVNKit connection is failing for some reason and Subclipes
> tries to fall back to JavaHL and that is also failing because I don't have
> the external tools necessary for SSH? Is there any way to disable the
> fallback to JavaHL? I'd like to see why SVNKit is failing.
Mark Phippard
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Received on 2008-07-08 00:56:38 CEST