I am using RAD 7 (v7.0.3) with the new subclipse v1.5.0 plugin
against a svn (v1.5.0) repo using web_dav (the Collaba release) on
Windows XP sp2. I have created an EJB project and it contains a
stateless session EJB. I check in all the generated code to SVN and all
is good. When I tell RAD to prepare the EJB for deployment it
regenerates code (the stubs and skels etc) - basically runs rmic again.
At this point the RAD replaces those files new ones with the same names.
Now when I look at the artifacts from the Package Explorer they do not
show up as versioned elements nor (cylinder) as non-versioned elements
(with ?) (i.e. no label decoration).
When I synchronize the repository I get no changes, and when I compare
then with the Compare with -> Latest from Repository I am told there are
no changes with this file. Moreover, I have an option of adding these
files to the rep Team -> add to version control. This leads to another
problem (which I posted about last week or so -
Once other interesting point is when I try to replace with latest from
repository I am told I have local changes do I want to overwrite.
All of these artifacts seem to be on the ignored list here is an
example of the files
Abean.java this is okay (versioned object no problem with this)
_A_Stub.java (gets regen'd and no longer shows as a versioned artifact)
_Ahome_Stub.java (gets regen'd and no longer shows as a versioned
There are others, like this but I am trying to provide examples.
Now here is the kicker, if I select those aritacts and delete them (but
do not commit the delete), then do a synchronize they will show up as
artifacts to be deleted. Now if I select those aritacts and revert and
they now show up as versioned objects.
Plz any help would be appreciated on how to proceed, cause this work
around is not productive. I am certain this was also a problem in the
previous release.
Douglas WF Acheson
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