From what I understand every time I create
a new tag or branch the string reporting the revision
and related tag/branch is appended to the subclipse:tags property...
initially I thought that all the files for a specific tag/branch
received a subclipse:tags or subclipse:branch property carrying
the revision, path, description for that specific tag/branch...
but apparently it's not like that and I hadn't really looked at the properties stuff yet until this dir_conflict thing.
By the way...
I have manually checked the properties and the value
the subclipse_tags property was modified to
was fine
so I did Team > Mark resolved
but now:
resolved C:/Projects/mcore
Resolved conflicted state of C:/Projects/mcore
commit -m "" -N C:/Projects/mcore
Sending Projects/mcore
Transaction is out of date
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Out of date: '/trunk' in transaction '127-1'
sorry again, this question probably seems worst than the previous one
but isn't the resolved operation done on the working copy?
"svn resolved —
Remove «conflicted» state on working copy files or directories.
Working copy
Accesses Repository
so after removed the conflicted state
shouldn't I be allowed directly to issue a commit?
why is it now 'Out of date'?
From what I can think it is surely newer!
I've read a message telling
to do an 'update' then 'commit' again...
and this actually worked
but I feel kind of dumb because I don't get the reasons behind this...
thanks again
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