On Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 10:04 PM, Richard Fairthorne
<richard.fairthorne_at_gmail.com> wrote:
> After playing with this a bit more, it might be a mild usability issue. I am
> used to tortiose SVN on windows, and recently switched to Centos X86_64
> which ruled out tortiose. There are two major behavior differences.
> 1) Tortiose optionally, and by default, includes unversioned files in the
> commit checklist, but leaves them unchecked. Checking them adds and commits
> them. Because of this behavior, you can easily see if there are new files
> that need to be added, simply by trying to commit your whole source tree.
> 2) Tortiose does not highlight a directory as having changed if unversioned
> files appear. It simply ignores them except when you try to commit a
> directory.
> As far as behavior #2, I think that either the Tortiose or the Subclipse
> behavior can be easily justified. On the other hand, I think that *if*
> subclipse is going to highlight an unversioned file change (indicating
> something to do or commit) that listing the unversioned-unignored files in
> the commit dialog (unchecked) would drastically improve usability by making
> it obvious to the user why the directories are highlighted in red.
> As it stands, I took about 5-6 minutes looking through a directory listing
> by hand for a file which had a different icon than the others, in order to
> figure out what I needed to do to resolve the "red directory".
> I send this only in hopes that it is helpful to someone. Perhaps I should
> rephrase this and file it as a feature reaquest tomorrow?
I do not have 1.2 installed any more but I am fairly certain there was
a preference for this. Did you look at the Team > SVN preferences?
Our dialog used to work just like TortoiseSVN and user's complained
that the resources should be selected by default. I think part of the
reason for this is that Eclipse gives you so many ways to ignore
1) svn:ignore property
2) Eclipse Team preferences contain a list of patterns to ignore.
3) Files that are created by Eclipse compilers are marked as derived
resources and automatically ignored by team providers.
Also, a lot of people work from the Synchronize view which also makes
it easy to focus on changes.
In the next release, the dialog know longer includes checkboxes, and
unversioned files are simply shown with a different decorator. You
have to right-click and remove them from the list of files being
Mark Phippard
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Received on 2008-04-10 20:07:24 CEST