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[Subclipse-users] Which eclipse files belong in svn, anyway?

From: Paul Pcoder <paul.pcoder_at_gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2008 10:37:33 -0600

On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 8:50 AM, Mark Phippard <markphip_at_gmail.com>

> On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 7:23 AM, Hendrik Maryns
> <qwizv9b02_at_sneakemail.com> wrote:
> > I have a project in which the .project and .cproject files are in
> > version control. It turns out this isn't a very good idea. How
> > can I remove them from version control without deleting them?
> I generally recommend you do version those files and think it is a
> good idea, but that is not your question.

This is a question I've been wondering about for a while. This isn't
exactly a Subclipse question, but we're all Eclipse users, and were
are all presumably using Subclipse to manage and share our project
files, so I'll go ahead and ask: Which files *do* belong in eclipse,

I realize the answer will depend on the user's workflow and typical
team interaction, and I think that my situation is a little simpler
than most, as I am only trying to share my files with myself between two
machines at the moment, as far as the java projects I'm currently
working on go.

I get that I have to export my preferences from eclipse, in order to
import, for instance, my code formatting preferences into another
instance of eclipse. I'd rather that eclipse automatically saved all of
my preferences in a single file, which I could store in SVN, so all I
had to do was commits and updates, but that's more a complaint about
eclipse than a question...

My irritation began as I realized that my Debug launch configurations
were not appearing when I opened my project on my other machine. OK,
fine, I'll figure out where they are stored and put that into SVN too.
Problem: they are stored underneath the workspace .metadata folder, in a
subfolder specific to the debug launcher plugin.

OK, but does this mean that every time I use a plugin that stores data I
want to persist across machines, I have to figure out where it stores
that data, and manage that folder explicitly? I could just put the
entire workspace in SVN to avoid the whole issue, but holy cow that's
something like 15 megabytes. And surely that approach would not be
appropriate in a team environment, and I'm sure I can think of workflows
were that would be a mess even with just one user...

So, I put it to the group: what strategies do you use to persist
eclipse projects across different machines, in such a way that minimizes
time spent re-configuring settings and what-not on each instance of
eclipse that you use?

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Received on 2008-03-20 17:37:45 CET

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