On Jan 2, 2008 5:00 PM, Mark Phippard <markphip_at_gmail.com> wrote:
> Perhaps I misunderstood your original post. There is an Eclipse
> preference that controls label decorations. This has an SVN checkbox.
> If this is off, then all of our decorators are off. I thought you
> were saying this setting was getting turned off. This is something
> people have experienced before. Is that your problem?
Yes, that is my problem. When I turn it on again, I've had various
levels of success with it staying on. I've had it turned off
"immediately" (immediately in the sense that when I click OK and
immediately go back to preferences, it is off again), only after doing
something which would require showing new or changed decorations
(expanding a section of the tree, making a change, or committing a
changed file) - in such cases, not all decorations would disappear,
apparently only those that needed updating, but the preference setting
would be off - and it's also worked OK for some time, only to stop
working again, most often I believe after starting Eclipse. Again,
this is not all "at random", I have been tinkering around with it.
In fact, I just realized there may be another bit of information that
is very relevant. I also often have that most of the options in the
"Team" menu are disabled (greyed out, so it is *not* the minimal menu
it is when the project is not shared; the options are there, but
disabled). I then disconnect and reconnect the project, after which it
is OK again for some time. I think I most often have to do this after
starting Eclipse.
> If it is just
> that the decorators are disappearing, that can happen for a lot of
> reasons. Usually it means we got some kind of unexpected exception.
> You can find the stack trace in the Eclipse log and send it if this is
> happening. The circumstances certainly could be relevant information
> as well.
OK, thanks for that. I was unaware there was such a thing as an
Eclipse log (I have been looking for something like that). I'll see if
I can gather some more information because I realise the description
of the problem is very vague.
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Received on 2008-01-04 02:28:00 CET