On Nov 28, 2007 4:02 PM, Matt Samet <msamet@friendfinderinc.com> wrote:
> I'm having a few problems with Subclipse and synchronizing my workspace.
> I use TortoiseSVN in tandem with Subclipse to manage my locally checked out
> repository, and I use both interchangeably. Sometimes I right click the
> repository root folder in TortoiseSVN, sometimes I go into Eclipse's Team
> Synchronizing perspective and sync the workspace that way. Both should work
> fine with each other right?
> I'm currently seeing TortoiseSVN work perfectly (it recognizes the changed
> files on a Commit action), but when I click Synchronize Workspace in
> Subclipse, I'm seeing all kinds of stale files in the list. I see (in the
> Outgoing mode) files I have worked on in the past, but have since been
> committed to SVN either by Subclipse itself, or TortoiseSVN (can't remember
> which). I also am seeing (in the Incoming mode) folders with a blue
> Incoming arrow, with nothing inside them? How can folders be changed and
> not any files??
> Clicking Synchronize does not change this list at all. When I open the SVN
> console, it says "Some_folder: at revision 472. Some_folder2: at revision
> 983." etc, which indicates that the stuff it's trying to sync is already up
> to date. Which is true, so why is it showing up in the list?
> I should mention that I was originally using the Subversive plugin for
> Eclipse and had this stuff working fine, but for a few reasons I decided to
> try out Subclipse, so I uninstalled Subversive, installed Subclipse, and
> re-shared my projects with SVN metainformation. (there were a few issues
> with that, but that's another story)
> Using Eclipse Europa (3.3) on Windows XP Pro, Subclipse 1.2.4 with Mylyn
> integration, and Subclipse is set to use SVNKit.
> Any ideas?
Try the following:
1) In Preferences, Team > SVN turn off the "Show Out of Date Folders" option.
2) I'd recommend using JavaHL for now
3) If you make changes outside of Eclipse you have to do a Refresh
inside Eclipse for them to show up.
Mark Phippard
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Received on Wed Nov 28 22:09:16 2007