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[Subclipse-users] RE: Obtaining the history of deleted files.

From: Steve Sherwin <Steve.Sherwin_at_aquilauk.co.uk>
Date: 2007-10-15 10:05:50 CEST


I would like to raise the following issue with Subclipse. I am unsure of
this is intended behaviour but the messages obtained tend me to think it
is a problem.


Windows XP
Eclipse Europa
Subclipse 1.2.4 (behaviour also seen in 1.2.1)

Note: The project was a conversion from cvs to svn using the cvs2svn
scripts but all aspects of the history work and the file was removed
post conversion.


If I have a copy of my project checked out of Subversion and another
user deletes a file and commits that change then when I attempt the
retrieve the history of the deleted file I get the following error
message in the console.

            HTTP Path Not Found
        svn: REPORT request failed on
        svn: '/svn/devweb/!svn/bc/263/trunk/.cvsignore' path not found

Revision 263 was the version where the file was removed.

If I use the command svn info .cvsigonre then I get the history of the

        C:\Eclipse33\devweb>svn log .cvsignore
        r170 | user2 | 2007-03-16 12:25:19 +0000 (Fri, 16 Mar 2007) | 2

        ignore my local copy of cclocal.properties, in this folder.

        r97 | user1 | 2006-12-11 15:40:40 +0000 (Mon, 11 Dec 2006) | 2

        Added to ignore things


From viewing various Apache access logs and trying different scenarios
it appears that Subclipse attempts to retrieve all the history including
that which is beyond the revision I current have checked out. The svn
command line appears to take the checked out revision into account. I
have not found a workaround to this problem from with eclipse at this

I have also witnessed this behaviour in tortoiseSVN and will be raising
the issue with those developers also. IN tortoise the history of the
file can be obtained for the file by reviewing the log of the directory
and then using the right click feature on the files effected. This would
also be a good feature for subclipse.

Thanks for a great tool and hope the following is enough information.


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