[Subclipse-users] Recurring problem with the SVN structure for WC
From: CARASSO Felipe <Felipe.CARASSO_at_gemalto.com>
Date: 2007-08-24 23:45:25 CEST
Greetings everyone,
There's a recurrent problem when trying to put Subversion into use by an heterogeneous team containing developers, project
It's kind of difficult to enforce the idea of not copying folders out of a Subversion-safe environment due to the mess that
I confess that I ignore the reason why CVS and SVN insist in keeping control files for each folder inside the respective
If that's so, I suggest a structure like this:
In other words, separate the tree of SVN control files from the real files and put it in the project root.
The advantage of that is that copying folders around won't mess the versioning information. Except, of course, copying the
In such situations, copying from one place to another would have the expected result, which is, having unversioned folders
The Subversion client would only need to navigate through two parallel trees instead of a single one. I believe that it
Thank you for your attention,
Felipe Carasso
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