On Sat, 2007-07-14 at 14:11 -0400, Mark Phippard wrote:
> >
> > I have attached a screenshot of my preferences ... I must say, it looks
> > a lot like yours...
> Yes, it sure is.
> Here is the source code for that page. I am no SWT wizard but I do
> not see any way that the radio gets disabled.
> http://subclipse.tigris.org/source/browse/subclipse/branches/1.2.x/subclipse/ui/src/org/tigris/subversion/subclipse/ui/preferences/SVNPreferencesPage.java?rev=2980&view=markup
> Here is my guess. You are using some kind of Eclipse/Subclipse
> packaging from Fedora and they have altered our code to disable JavaHL
> and use SVNKit. That might also explain why you have those odd gcj
> compiled SVNKit libraries on your system.
That sounds like a very likely scenario... I'll see if I can track down
the package maintainers and ask a few questions.
Thanks a lot for all your help :-)
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Received on Sat Jul 14 20:30:55 2007