I tried the wcVersion command in SvnAnt and I met with these issues:
-if it is called on a non working copy directory, it throws a NPE
-when I called with the command line interface on a bit larger working
copy it displayed this error:
Can't get summary status for path C:\home\ps
It is caused by a
java.io.IOException: CreateProcess: svn info --non-interactive
C:\home\...<VERY LONG FILELIST!!!>
where in place of VERY LONG FILELIST "ant -d" displayed about 1000
characters but either the original argument to the CreateProcess functio
or the ant debugging output was obviously truncated.
-it seems it doesn't recognize a mixed working copy. For example when
svnversion returned 2:3M svnant returned:
[echoproperties] svn.committed.max=3
[echoproperties] svn.committed.max-with-flags=3M
[echoproperties] svn.modified=true
[echoproperties] svn.repository.path=/C\:/home/TEMP/svnrep
[echoproperties] svn.repository.url=file\:///C\:/home/TEMP/svnrep
[echoproperties] svn.revision.max=3
[echoproperties] svn.revision.max-with-flags=3M
[echoproperties] svn.revision.range=3M
In this case it should set svn.revision.mixed and svn.revision.range
should be 2:3M.
-I would also like to know the date of the highest commit revision.
Although I guess I can get that using the info command, it seems that
some info results are already included anyway, and the combined date and
revision range is a good candidate for readable version information in
an about box or in a jar manifest file.
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Received on Tue Apr 3 23:12:55 2007