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[Subclipse-users] Switching the branch of a subfolder does not take effect until the parent folder is manually updated.

From: John Shields <jshields_at_mechanicnet.com>
Date: 2007-03-10 00:53:41 CET


I have found that when I switch the branch of a subfolder that the UI
does not register the switch nor, more importantly, do commits go into
the switched branch until I've updated the parent folder manually. What
is interesting and troubling, though, is that the properties of the
folder and of any files in the folder do reflect the switch. But again,
commits don't seem to go to the switched branch.

To reproduce:

1. Select a subfolder of a project and switch it to another branch.
2. Make a change to a file in that subfolder.
3. Commit the file.
4. Check the SVN repository directly to see where the commit "landed".

In my tests, the change always goes to the original branch before the
switch. However, if I follow these steps it works as expected:

1. Select a subfolder of a project and switch it to another branch.
2. Manually perform an "update" operation on the parent folder. (This
causes the icon on the subfolder to reflect it's "switched" status.)
3. Make a change to a file in that subfolder.
4. Commit the file.
5. Check the SVN repository directly to see where the commit "landed".

My environment:

OS: CentOS 4.3 (RHEL)
Eclipse: 3.2.2
Subclipse: 1.2.0
SVN protocol: http
SVN Server: 1.2.3 w/ Apache 1.3



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Received on Sat Mar 10 02:19:36 2007

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