RE: [Subclipse-users] Tag freezes svn:externals
From: Lira Olavo <>
Date: 2007-02-21 15:20:08 CET
Hello Mark,
From what I understand of Subversion actually there is no way for subversion to know that I'm doing a TAG, for the server is just another svncopy right?
Can't you do something like this in Subclipse? This is very, very important for me, and although I'm not a expert in plugin at all, I'm willing to help implement it if you show me the way.
Thank you,
On 2/20/07, Lira Olavo <> wrote:
When I make a TAG of a project that contains a link (svn:externals) to another repository, can you include an option to freeze the link to the revision I'm working now?
Content of my svn:externals before the TAG:
Content of my svn:externals after the TAG:
Where revision 25 is the revision from the working copy of the link, or it could be also an option to have the HEAD revision of the repository of the link (another option for the user).
If you think it is not possible could you please help me find a solution, or workaround of this problem?
This is something that would need to be done in Subversion for us to be able to do it. So you need to raise the issue on their users@ list. I would not be surprised if there is an existing issue for this, I have seen it requested before. The only way I know of to do it is to checkout the tag, edit the property and commit. Or make the tag locally and edit the property before committing.
-- Thanks Mark Phippard --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: users-help@subclipse.tigris.orgReceived on Wed Feb 21 15:18:25 2007 |
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