Another option will be to use SVNKit adapter - you'll be prompted for
ssh credentials in Eclipse in that case.
Alexander Kitaev,
TMate Software,
http://svnkit.com/ - Java [Sub]Versioning Library!
Mark Phippard wrote:
> On 1/31/07, *dscholte@student.umass.edu
> <mailto:dscholte@student.umass.edu>* <dscholte@student.umass.edu
> <mailto:dscholte@student.umass.edu>> wrote:
> I encounter this error:
> The system cannot find the file specified.
> svn: Can't create tunnel: The system cannot find the file specified.
> as mentioned in the previous posts. When I go to
> C:\Documents and Settings\[user_name]\Application Data\
> there is no Subversion folder inside. I searched my harddrive and
> came up
> empty. I didn't realize you needed to download Subversion after the
> subclipse
> plugin? Is this the case?
> Generally, no. But at the moment, yes. There is a bug in Subversion's
> JavaHL where it is not creating this folder. So if you use the command
> line to run one command, it will create it and then JavaHL is fine.
> This was fixed in 1.4.3 and will be in our next release.
> --
> Thanks
> Mark Phippard
> http://markphip.blogspot.com/
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Received on Wed Jan 31 18:46:55 2007