> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Rolando Martinez <rolando.martinez@gmail.com>
> Gesendet: 22.01.07 22:25:24
> An: users@subclipse.tigris.org
> Betreff: [Subclipse-users] SVNAnt, Failure on Checkout
The length of the filename is greater than 260 characters. I would bet this is the
reason for your problem.
> Hi, i've been using svnant for checking out a project and have this
> problems.
> It is not checking out the entire repositorie with the followng task.
> <svn username="someuser" password="somepassword" javahl="true">
> <checkout url="${url}"
> revision="${revision}"
> destPath="${projects}/build_${revision}" />
> </svn>
> There are some files that svnant doesn't checkout
> When i use tortoiseSVN to restore that folder, it gives the following
> messages.
> Error: Can't copy
> Error:
> 'C:\DESARROLLO\workspace_delta\prototypes\junit_interfaces\capaMultinivel\revisionGenerator\projects\delta_entrega_14115\delta_14115\d3\ejb\src\main\com\its\delta\d3\workflow\validation\.svn\text-base\ValidarCamposAprobarFacturacionNoCorresponde.java.svn-base'
> Error: to
> Error:
> 'C:\DESARROLLO\workspace_delta\prototypes\junit_interfaces\capaMultinivel\revisionGenerator\projects\delta_entrega_14115\delta_14115\d3\ejb\src\main\com\its\delta\d3\workflow\validation\.svn\tmp\text-base\ValidarCamposAprobarFacturacionNoCorresponde.java.svn-base.2.tmp':
> Error: The system cannot find the specified file.
> it seems to me that something get broken during the checkingout process.
> Thanks.
> Rolando.
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Received on Sat Jan 27 09:09:20 2007