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RE: [Subclipse-users] Weird tagging problem.

From: Vladimir Grabarchuk <vladchuk_at_workwell.com>
Date: 2007-01-11 00:03:31 CET

I can swear that it used to have a different behavior a few releases
back. This is very confusing - it looks like the behavior of the copy
command changes based on the fact whether the <tag> dir exists or not. I
think it should detect the fact that the <tag> exists and alert the user
to that effect. Again, I can almost bet money that it used to be that


From: Mark Phippard [mailto:markphip@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 1:24 PM
To: users@subclipse.tigris.org
Cc: Vladimir Grabarchuk
Subject: Re: [Subclipse-users] Weird tagging problem.

On 1/10/07, Vladimir Grabarchuk <vladchuk@workwell.com> wrote:

        When creating a tag for <proj>/trunk in <proj>/tags/<tag> it
works normally. However, if the same operation is attempted again (same
project, same tag) the following happens: <proj>/tags/<tag>/trunk is
        I think this used give an error saying that the
<proj>/tags/<tag> already exists. I am using version 1.1.9.

That is just how the Subversion copy command has always worked. The
explanation I have seen in the past from the developers is that it is
consistent with how the Unix cp command works. Basically, to get it to
work the way you want, you need to let the copy command create the <tag>
folder. If that folder already exists, you get the behavior you have
seen. This comes up pretty regularly on the Subversion users@ mailing

Mark Phippard
Received on Thu Jan 11 00:03:42 2007

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