[Subclipse-users] Host name resolving problem
From: Lars Eulberg <leulberg_at_web.de>
Date: 2007-01-05 01:58:13 CET
we have used subversion for 2 years until now. It's a great tool, which have
Now, we had a harddisk crash and lost some commits.
Well, because of that fact we decided to cleanup our repository before
Now, we have two repositories and we want to include Repository B as
Because of a local network with external hosts over vpn and nat we added a
However, it seems, that neither svn checkout nor TortoiseSVN uses the local
If there is no solution to that we will have to rollback cleaning up the
Have we taken any mistake by setting up the hosts file, or could there be a
Thanks for help
Lars Eulberg
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